Sunday, August 29, 2010


How could we have lost

the war with machines

That ruled the land

and sky

The vietcong, vietminh
and the NVA
Had nothing but
a reason for to die

We had 3 tanks on patrol

they had hootched up with

us the night before

The next morning they started

their engines

there was a mighty roar
They traversed their

turrets knocking trees down

making a terrible din

With so much noise and

lack of discipline

we just had to win

We escorted the tanks
onto the hard baked padi
fields and started looking
for a large enemy cache
The exact location we
didn't know only that
it was by the padi field
next to a well worn track
We walked all morning

till mid afternoon

sitting ducks we had been

all the way

We met the Aussies and

they took over and

walked just a 100 yards

that day